My Foster Siblings

Trigger Warning: This post contains references to child abuse, including possible sexual abuse. Why was I on hiatus? For one, I was exploring other blogs, some devoted to specific topics, some meant to be “and this is the last blog!” But the main reason is almost a year ago, my mother, whose home I will […]

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Okay guys, let’s do some straight-up biblical analysis. We haven’t done that in a while and this is great timing for looking at these two pieces, I think. Plus, it will keep my mind off the jester who’s stolen the thorny crown. And I don’t mean Bob Dylan. Let’s chat about Cain. Poor Cain. He […]

Letters of Recommendation

I hate being remiss in blogging. I want to blog, but it seems like the only subject is COVID-19 which is not exactly within the scope of this blog, ya know? But then you get a nice little chuckle that does fall within my scope. Mr. Trump, he of the recommendation of the anti-malaria drug […]

The Worth of Lives

I learned very little from my required Economics class in high school. Her tests were taken directly from the notes she put on the overhead projector, meaning all you had to do was right them down and glance at them a few times for a perfect score. All I had to do, anyway. Plus she […]

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

Appropriately enough, I think, my mind turns to Passover today. Okay, okay, specifically my mind returns to the Passover sequence in The Prince of Egypt. What can I say? I still love the songs. The bit with the plagues was ridiculous. I mean, Moses asks to let the Israelites in Egypt go free. Ignoring for […]

A Return to Homeschooling

Funny story. My mother and I discussed the possibility of homeschooling baby sister before she started preschool, largely because the education system in this state is one of the worst in the country, and this city is not one of the better ones for education in that state. But since a four, five, six year […]

Defining History

History noun, plural his·to·ries.1. the branch of knowledge dealing with past events.2. a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account; chronicle:a history of France; a medical history of the patient.3. the aggregate of past events. Dear Hulu (and undoubtedly […]

Morals Without the Garden of Good and Evil

If books and movies are to be believed, evil times, whether those evils are personal or affect the whole world, are perfect situations for people to either lose their faith or find their faith. Some personal evils include the death of a loved one, especially by violence, natural disasters destroying a home, really, anything that […]